Case Studies on Cost Savings

case study: La Victoria Taqueria - Rethink disposable

Prior to ReThink Disposable, La Victoria Taqueria used disposable soda cups, lids and straws, disposable plastic water cups, and disposable plastic cutlery for their dining services. After implementing the recommendations of reusable utensils and tumblers for water, the five La Taqueria restaurants collectively prevent 862,008 items and 8,433 pounds of waste annually, while earning an ongoing net cost savings of $24,648 each year from the avoided disposable foodware purchases.

case study: Ballast Coffee - Rethink disposable

Prior to ReThink Disposable, Ballast Coffee used plastic containers for grab-to-go snacks and plastic utensils. However by offering the recommended returnable jars and replacing single-use utensils with stainless steel ones, Ballast Coffee eliminates the use of 12,369 pieces of single-use food packaging, reduces their trash generation by 245 pounds, and after an initial investment of $254 for reusable foodware, earns an ongoing net cost savings of nearly $1,263 annually.

A Guide To Choosing The Best Products

Lake Friendly Program: Guide to Best Products - Plastic-Free MKE

A slideshow that helps depict the hierarchy of products for containers and utensils used in cafes, restaurants, and bars. The “green” products are preferred for Lake Friendly businesses, however we encourage businesses to try their best given lack of market options.

Low Plastic Purchasing

Reusable Food Serviceware Guide - clean water fund

This guide provides examples of reusable foodware alternatives to disposable products typically used by a food service business. In addition to providing information on the costs of the products and where to order them, this guide provides cost calculator tools to help you assess potential cost savings of switching to reusable products.

Unwrapping PLASTIC: Understanding disposables in hospitality - sustainable restaurant association

This resource is meant to be a simple guide to asking the right questions, getting good information and ultimately making choices that are good for both your business and for the planet. It includes a:

  • Glossary of terms to make sense of all of the confusing vocabulary

  • Behavior matrix to help you put one foot in front of the other

  • Set of questions to ask your waste contractor to understand exactly where your waste is going

  • Digital tool for auditing your packaging use

  • Simple guide to understanding your options when it comes to six of the core offenders: straws, bottles, coffee cups, takeaway packaging, cutlery and cling film.

Alongside this toolkit, you will also find a digital presentation which will help you contextualize the issue and think more broadly about your decision-making framework.

Plastic Free restaurants

Plastic Free Restaurants can help your business use less plastic by paying the difference in cost between your current plastic products and reusable alternatives. This nonprofit is able to give businesses a cash subsidy to make sustainable business decisions that much easier. You can learn more by emailing us.

Recycling for Businesses

Business & apartment recycling - City of milwaukee

Includes basic information about recycling requirements for businesses and apartments, as well as multiple links to educational materials for customers and tenants. Remember, recyclables are banned from the landfill! Learn more about recycling laws and ordinances.

Communicating With Your Waste Hauler - city of milwaukee

This is a helpful guide for businesses in choosing a waste hauler, negotiating a contract, and includes cost savings tips.

list of milwaukee area waste haulers - City of milwaukee

A list of options for businesses and apartment buildings seeking a waste hauler.

Host Low Plastic Events

Green events guide - The City of Milwaukee’s environmental collaboration office

This guide provides a framework for organizing sustainable public events, as well as a list of additional resources.